We love you, and are glad you've stopped by!
Our heart is helping people thrive and flourish in their lives, body soul & spirit with a focus on the spirtual. We still speak churchy language, but we are real people who support and encourage you to think critically, be yourself, be real and stay free to come and go as you please. Our heart is spiritual nurture and encouragement.
There's a lot out there offering itself as Christian, but if you got everyone in the same room telling you "the right way" and you tried to add up all the rules and implications of following their version or vision for you, there would be very little -- if any -- agreement. This means that you ultimately have to learn over time about the love of God and how you want to live in response to that throughout your life. One man tells you "But the Bible says this," and yet you know the church is divided perhaps equally on this piece of doctrine. You do not need to believe under social or emotional pressure from people, that's not belief, it is slavery. And yet it is not easy to navigate the current landscape of "the church" these days. Yet God loves you, and you have a place in it. One body made up of many parts, all are of value, all have gifts and ministry, all are needed, and that includes you.
God gave you a brain, and you are licensed and ordained to use it. You can be a person of intellect, clear thinking AND of heart and Spirit.
We work with and support those who want to remain faith based, many while recovering from abuse in religious circumstances. It is common to be sorting through religious belief related issues while maintaining faith. Bad experiences with other people who say they believe and love as you do can be challenging. Abuse of authority or someone telling you God was responsible for something bad happening to you can affect your relationship with God for a very long time. We love and believe in God, and we also know that there are many places that say the same, but not everyone does what they claim. There are people who do not mean well. There are those who take advantage of your good will and desire to please God. It can come as a shock to discover people who can be wolves in sheeps clothing, speaking and talking as if they have authentic love for you, but have been unkind or unloving. Well meaning people make mistakes as well.
Inclusivity. The Light that lighteth everyone who comes into the world, made you someone whose spirit is the candle of the Lord. You have light in you, and you have access to God's light. The Spirit of God can be your guide. You belong and are loved.
This site is also something you can visit without having to engage with us, be marketed at or buy something. That's not to say every opinion shared here is objective or neutral. Real people have real emotions, experiences, thoughts, learning and responses. We form opinions and draw conclusions. We have come to believe in God over many seasons, and God remains faithful and loving and has faith in us.
What's truly been from God, we've received freely. and want to share freely. You can subscribe to our newsletter and get mailings, but you don't have to.
It's a challenge, a joy, and an opportunity to learn about the love of God and God's creation, and to help people sort out the differences between experiences with crazy religion and not-so-nice people from who God really is, separate from the counterfeits. Are some people a mix? yes, that, too. Plus many people are seekers, deeply spiritual, and are still sorting out their beliefs and understanding. Rest your life and faith on who Jesus is, on the love of God and the word of God and what He says about life and who you are and who other people are in relationship to you. And if you do not believe in a particular creed or set of precepts set out for you by a particular denomination or tradition, please give yourself the space and freedom to explore truth and come to an understanding and relationship in love.
It is right for you to want to sort through what you believe and why in an encouraging environment*. That being said, it is possible to have a solid faith in God, ethics and morals that respect and honor God others and yourself. You can do this without prejudice or pretense. It is not your perfect performance with social media approval that God is looking for, but a heart that seeks Him and loves Him, and a life that is lived for Him and with Him. Beware of social bullying from any source. Those who would bash you for your beliefs and questions. It's not about being brought to a creed to please other people, it is about genuinely coming into relationship where your heart is grounded in the love and presence of God. Some do that through Bible reading or exploring spiritual practice that invites one into genuine relationship.
It can be confusing when those who say they represent God are perpetrators of coercion, manipulation, spiritual, psychological, mental, emotional and other forms of abuse. It is surprising how many people appear to start out strong, build a following or community and then things go awry and it ends up being about money or building a sort of empire. That is not the case of all religious people, but it is way more prevalent that people like to admit. That is why the conversation about this issue needs to happen and why open dialogue in a safe atmosphere is necessary. We are definitely theist/Christ centered here, but you are welcome to connect with us, even if that is not feeling like a fit for you.
We are your equals, and we're glad to share the road with you, and perhaps help as you continue to look to learn to come in relationship with the Source of love, life, purpose and ministry, you will share a life with Christ as the center, though you are welcome if that is not where you are. God's love is not limited. We are not your "answer," nor do we know it all, but can share what we are learning along the way. The "body of Christ" -- the people who comprise all who believe in Jesus Christ and that His life was given to save us -- is an amazing group or family of many people, from many nations, geographies and upbringings. It is part of how God works in us and through us and for us.
We encourage you in what God's leading you to do, in an environment of love, care and respect and honor. Don't let our differences put you off if you have a different background or experience. Although this is a pro-Christ website, those of other faiths can learn much about the signs and effects of religious abuse and gain insight into their own situations. True faith does not require coercion and cult like forms of community. Education is a real help when extricating oneself from coercive control and undue influence and its effects, and growing through what isn't and shouldn't be church can be a catalyst for a life lived in a helpful church.
We welcome those who want to explore this type of life and we don't reject you if you've been hurt by religious abuse or prejudice. This is a good place to explore how your faith and beliefs interact with real life, no matter where or whether you physically go to a building and have church there, too.
You are welcome to join with us, or join us as part of the larger body of Christ while you participate in other local churches, one on one meetings, or gatherings and activities in the body of Christ, whether that be in person, by phone or through electronic and print media. If you are angry at God, you are welcome. If you don't know if you believe in God, you are welcome. Some call this a post church era, meaning the static forms of rote prayers and meetings may need reform and the life of God breathed back into how church is conducted. People try to divide the Church into mainstream vs. fringe, but you will get hundreds of definitions of what these mean.
Please come and go as it fits for you. In fact, we encourage you to fellowship with other people in your geographical area, via in person gatherings, with others who believe or want to explore their beliefs regarding God, Jesus Christ, what he said and did, The Holy Spirit and its relevance for our lives today.
We believe every human being is of value and worth.
It is beneficial to have a broad base of relationships where you can be encouraged and encourage others, each benefitting from the other's experience and knowledge.
Please check back in 2022 for upcoming classes and study materials, and monthly prayer calls.
Our heart is helping people thrive and flourish in their lives, body soul & spirit with a focus on the spirtual. We still speak churchy language, but we are real people who support and encourage you to think critically, be yourself, be real and stay free to come and go as you please. Our heart is spiritual nurture and encouragement.
There's a lot out there offering itself as Christian, but if you got everyone in the same room telling you "the right way" and you tried to add up all the rules and implications of following their version or vision for you, there would be very little -- if any -- agreement. This means that you ultimately have to learn over time about the love of God and how you want to live in response to that throughout your life. One man tells you "But the Bible says this," and yet you know the church is divided perhaps equally on this piece of doctrine. You do not need to believe under social or emotional pressure from people, that's not belief, it is slavery. And yet it is not easy to navigate the current landscape of "the church" these days. Yet God loves you, and you have a place in it. One body made up of many parts, all are of value, all have gifts and ministry, all are needed, and that includes you.
God gave you a brain, and you are licensed and ordained to use it. You can be a person of intellect, clear thinking AND of heart and Spirit.
We work with and support those who want to remain faith based, many while recovering from abuse in religious circumstances. It is common to be sorting through religious belief related issues while maintaining faith. Bad experiences with other people who say they believe and love as you do can be challenging. Abuse of authority or someone telling you God was responsible for something bad happening to you can affect your relationship with God for a very long time. We love and believe in God, and we also know that there are many places that say the same, but not everyone does what they claim. There are people who do not mean well. There are those who take advantage of your good will and desire to please God. It can come as a shock to discover people who can be wolves in sheeps clothing, speaking and talking as if they have authentic love for you, but have been unkind or unloving. Well meaning people make mistakes as well.
Inclusivity. The Light that lighteth everyone who comes into the world, made you someone whose spirit is the candle of the Lord. You have light in you, and you have access to God's light. The Spirit of God can be your guide. You belong and are loved.
This site is also something you can visit without having to engage with us, be marketed at or buy something. That's not to say every opinion shared here is objective or neutral. Real people have real emotions, experiences, thoughts, learning and responses. We form opinions and draw conclusions. We have come to believe in God over many seasons, and God remains faithful and loving and has faith in us.
What's truly been from God, we've received freely. and want to share freely. You can subscribe to our newsletter and get mailings, but you don't have to.
It's a challenge, a joy, and an opportunity to learn about the love of God and God's creation, and to help people sort out the differences between experiences with crazy religion and not-so-nice people from who God really is, separate from the counterfeits. Are some people a mix? yes, that, too. Plus many people are seekers, deeply spiritual, and are still sorting out their beliefs and understanding. Rest your life and faith on who Jesus is, on the love of God and the word of God and what He says about life and who you are and who other people are in relationship to you. And if you do not believe in a particular creed or set of precepts set out for you by a particular denomination or tradition, please give yourself the space and freedom to explore truth and come to an understanding and relationship in love.
It is right for you to want to sort through what you believe and why in an encouraging environment*. That being said, it is possible to have a solid faith in God, ethics and morals that respect and honor God others and yourself. You can do this without prejudice or pretense. It is not your perfect performance with social media approval that God is looking for, but a heart that seeks Him and loves Him, and a life that is lived for Him and with Him. Beware of social bullying from any source. Those who would bash you for your beliefs and questions. It's not about being brought to a creed to please other people, it is about genuinely coming into relationship where your heart is grounded in the love and presence of God. Some do that through Bible reading or exploring spiritual practice that invites one into genuine relationship.
It can be confusing when those who say they represent God are perpetrators of coercion, manipulation, spiritual, psychological, mental, emotional and other forms of abuse. It is surprising how many people appear to start out strong, build a following or community and then things go awry and it ends up being about money or building a sort of empire. That is not the case of all religious people, but it is way more prevalent that people like to admit. That is why the conversation about this issue needs to happen and why open dialogue in a safe atmosphere is necessary. We are definitely theist/Christ centered here, but you are welcome to connect with us, even if that is not feeling like a fit for you.
We are your equals, and we're glad to share the road with you, and perhaps help as you continue to look to learn to come in relationship with the Source of love, life, purpose and ministry, you will share a life with Christ as the center, though you are welcome if that is not where you are. God's love is not limited. We are not your "answer," nor do we know it all, but can share what we are learning along the way. The "body of Christ" -- the people who comprise all who believe in Jesus Christ and that His life was given to save us -- is an amazing group or family of many people, from many nations, geographies and upbringings. It is part of how God works in us and through us and for us.
We encourage you in what God's leading you to do, in an environment of love, care and respect and honor. Don't let our differences put you off if you have a different background or experience. Although this is a pro-Christ website, those of other faiths can learn much about the signs and effects of religious abuse and gain insight into their own situations. True faith does not require coercion and cult like forms of community. Education is a real help when extricating oneself from coercive control and undue influence and its effects, and growing through what isn't and shouldn't be church can be a catalyst for a life lived in a helpful church.
We welcome those who want to explore this type of life and we don't reject you if you've been hurt by religious abuse or prejudice. This is a good place to explore how your faith and beliefs interact with real life, no matter where or whether you physically go to a building and have church there, too.
You are welcome to join with us, or join us as part of the larger body of Christ while you participate in other local churches, one on one meetings, or gatherings and activities in the body of Christ, whether that be in person, by phone or through electronic and print media. If you are angry at God, you are welcome. If you don't know if you believe in God, you are welcome. Some call this a post church era, meaning the static forms of rote prayers and meetings may need reform and the life of God breathed back into how church is conducted. People try to divide the Church into mainstream vs. fringe, but you will get hundreds of definitions of what these mean.
Please come and go as it fits for you. In fact, we encourage you to fellowship with other people in your geographical area, via in person gatherings, with others who believe or want to explore their beliefs regarding God, Jesus Christ, what he said and did, The Holy Spirit and its relevance for our lives today.
We believe every human being is of value and worth.
It is beneficial to have a broad base of relationships where you can be encouraged and encourage others, each benefitting from the other's experience and knowledge.
Please check back in 2022 for upcoming classes and study materials, and monthly prayer calls.
God provides healing, and ministry for spirit, soul & body. Our emphasis is on the spiritual, but you can't neglect good sleep and drinking water, eating in a way that is healthy and nourishing to you, and basics of self care and expect to thrive spiritually.
We regularly interact with believers of many different denominations and it is our heart to encourage unity without error and without a religious spirit... and this means that you may find something on this site that is "outside of the box", and so we encourage you to research things that challenge you. Not all people saying they're Christian are bigoted, abusive and needing you to say "uncle" to their way of thinking, so don't let bad past experiences have you prejudge the next ones. Don't let social pressure create your picture of who believers in Christ are. And it is still okay to have eyes open to people who don't understand boundaries or who don't want you to have the freedom to let your "yes" be yes, and your "no" be no. You're not required to let abusive people box you into obeying them to supposedly "honor God."
Look to God and His love. Don't sweat the small stuff in terms of stressing about something where someone is not 100% on point. Each of us has something to offer. We are all needed. You are also welcome to roam the site, enjoy, ask questions and connect with us. We hope to be dropping some of our religious language and to be more accessible to you from a place of real love and care.
If you are looking to renew your relationship with God, from a Christian perspective, or take time out to reflect upon the gifts of God, the print version titled GIFTS FROM GOD was released a few years ago. There are some things we'd change, but currently working on a new book, so look for the update in late 2022 early 2023. Gifts from God is available in print on Amazon, and the Amazon Kindle, version has also been released. Please check back for more good news.
Jesus taught, healed and ministered. We don't just do 'intellectual' teaching here, meaning that most teaching has ministry as that is what Jesus did and told us to do. We see lives changed as people continue with God and remain in relationship with Him.
We regularly interact with believers of many different denominations and it is our heart to encourage unity without error and without a religious spirit... and this means that you may find something on this site that is "outside of the box", and so we encourage you to research things that challenge you. Not all people saying they're Christian are bigoted, abusive and needing you to say "uncle" to their way of thinking, so don't let bad past experiences have you prejudge the next ones. Don't let social pressure create your picture of who believers in Christ are. And it is still okay to have eyes open to people who don't understand boundaries or who don't want you to have the freedom to let your "yes" be yes, and your "no" be no. You're not required to let abusive people box you into obeying them to supposedly "honor God."
Look to God and His love. Don't sweat the small stuff in terms of stressing about something where someone is not 100% on point. Each of us has something to offer. We are all needed. You are also welcome to roam the site, enjoy, ask questions and connect with us. We hope to be dropping some of our religious language and to be more accessible to you from a place of real love and care.
If you are looking to renew your relationship with God, from a Christian perspective, or take time out to reflect upon the gifts of God, the print version titled GIFTS FROM GOD was released a few years ago. There are some things we'd change, but currently working on a new book, so look for the update in late 2022 early 2023. Gifts from God is available in print on Amazon, and the Amazon Kindle, version has also been released. Please check back for more good news.
Jesus taught, healed and ministered. We don't just do 'intellectual' teaching here, meaning that most teaching has ministry as that is what Jesus did and told us to do. We see lives changed as people continue with God and remain in relationship with Him.