Newsletter Sign Up Page - Stay Tuned
Be the first to know and be invited to join in! Sign up for the Engrafted Word Fellowship Newsletter and find out about Workshops, Teaching For Your Heart & Life, Notes, Resources & More . . .
We've recently changed newsletter provider, and don't have the new sign up ready yet. All on our previous newsletter were given an opportunity to be transitioned to the new newsletter, from the former newsletter which began in 2006
If you wanted to remain on the mailing list but did not receive a notice, or you want to add yourself to the new newsletter in October, please email us to be added to the new list. Adding an online signup is in the works, but it is low on the pole of priority right now. We'd love to stay in touch, and as part of moving forward, we ask you initiate contact with us in order to do so.
Thanks for your patience.
If you wanted to remain on the mailing list but did not receive a notice, or you want to add yourself to the new newsletter in October, please email us to be added to the new list. Adding an online signup is in the works, but it is low on the pole of priority right now. We'd love to stay in touch, and as part of moving forward, we ask you initiate contact with us in order to do so.
Thanks for your patience.